
Nandivani Public School

Nandi Vani Public School is an educational institution that is built and enriched with the contemporary needs of not only the theoretical mastery of subjects but also the skilful application of the same in the real competitive environment. The state-of-art campus is equipped with every required infrastructure and the education is imparted through our qualified, experienced and well trained teachers.
We ensure all round development of our students and hence, balance the curriculum with education, sports, personality development, oratory skills and music to name a few. We understand the important of sharing feedback and communicating in a two way manner, so we have built a strong parents-teachers association where we can learn and get advised from the parents and guardians. In a nutshell we not only educate but also nurture the latent potential of our pupil in close coordination with the parents and with structured pedagogy.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create a generation of educationally equipped, knowledge-wise leading, socially responsible, morally agile and career-wise self evolving human capital that goes along and at the same time leads the society and nation to new heights and destinations.

Our Vision

We wish to establish our institution as a place which has its role in creating the most efficient, responsible, erudite, agile, disciplined and creative future generations through the best infrastructure, powerful learning methodology, 360 degrees personality development, motivating and energizing environment and 100 percent feedback based system from the guardians, students and the mentors.

Core Values

Skill Development through individual specialty:

We wish to extract the best of skills from a student keeping in mind that every child has a separate and special set of talent that when put in the right direction through right momentum creates the whole new environment of positivity in the society.

Moral Values and Discipline:

The fundamental values of punctuality, respect, personal hygiene, social responsiveness and cleanliness are to be rightly inculcated in a child in the right age with right methodology and example based learning. We have created an environment where the basic personal and social values are inculcated and the children are enriched with the moral values at every stage.

Structured Academics:

Our structured and powerful learning methodology coupled with the well researched and structured academic calendar based on the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) under the able mentorship of well trained and professional teachers is the core of the institution.

Inculcation of Competitive Spirit :

Rapid urbanization and increase in mechanization calls for a stiff competition and the right competitive spirit. In our curricular and co-curricular activities we ensure the competitive environment and we motivate our pupil to come up to the competitive expectations and understand the value to competitive spirit for future success.

All round development :

We enrich the all round development of a child’s personality through our structured curriculum coupled with vibrant co-curricular activities such as sports, music, drawing and sketching, drama and theatre, debates and speech and various other enriching activities.

Feedback Based Operations:

We believe in constant up-gradation through feedbacks and suggestions from the guardians, students and the mentors. We value the contribution of each one of us in our constant improvement and pursuit for perfection.